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Showing posts from March, 2019

House of Blades by Will Wight

Brief synopsis (no spoilers): Underlord Malachi steps into a village to collect 9 people for a human sacrifice. It turns out that village was not okay with that plan, and a few very powerful members decided to fight back. Category : Fantasy, fiction Why I chose this book : I really enjoyed the Cradle series by the same author My personal opinion : The story is fun, and I enjoyed it. I will probably buy the whole series. But it is unlikely to become one of my top favorites, like the Cradle series. But the book is clean, it's interesting, and it's a well-told story. Warnings Language: none Violence: frequent "Adult" situations: none Death: yes, including central character(s) Movie rating equivalent : PG-13 Protagonist description : Simon is just a regular guy that wants to protect his village, so he sets out on an adventure to gain power Point of view of story : Third, focused mostly on Simon Book length : Medium Story flow : A little jumpy, but not bad Grammar and s

Underlord by Will Wight

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) The Heart Sage from the Akura clan has invited the Blackflame Empire to participate in a great competition. But first, they have to compete against another kingdom- and that kingdom's best candidates are already Underlords. Lindon and Yerin have some catching up to do. Category Fantasy, maybe Sci-Fi Why I chose this book Next in series My personal opinion (the review) Excellent book. My only complaint was that it went too quickly. I couldn't put it down and finished it quickly, so I read it a second time. This series is definitely at the top of my list. This particular entry in the series did not disappoint! Warnings Language: None Violence: Frequent fighting "Adult" situations: None Death: Yes, including major character(s) Movie rating equivalent PG-13 Protagonist description Lindon and Yerin are finally equals Point of view of story Third person, mostly focused on Lindon Book length Medium Story flow Excellent Grammar and spelling issue