Summary: Uni the Unicorn knows that little girls really do exist. Even though her parents and friends don't believe her she dreams all day about what she would do if she ever met a little girl.
Attention Span/reading level: My three year old LOVED this book. I think it could work for kids ages 2 to about 8.
Good uses for book in teaching: About standing up for what you believe, playing make believe
Favorite part: (Mine and/or Child): When the Unicorn and the Girl meet and play together.
Least favorite part? Warnings/negative feedback?: None.
Review: This is a cute book. I love how it twists the perspective to be from the Unicorn's point of view. Even my daughter caught the irony. The illustrations are also very bright and catchy.
Review: This is a cute book. I love how it twists the perspective to be from the Unicorn's point of view. Even my daughter caught the irony. The illustrations are also very bright and catchy.
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