Brief synopsis (no spoilers): The author, an aviator, crashes with his aeroplane in the middle of the Sahara desert. While he is trying to repair his aeroplane, a little boy appears and asks him to draw a sheep. The author learns that The Little Prince comes from asteroid B-612 where he has left behind three volcanoes and a rose.
Before reaching Earth, he has visited other planets and met some very odd people: a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a lamplighter, a geographer… Since arriving on Earth, he has spoken to a fox who has taught him that to know someone or something, you must « tame » them, and that makes them unique. « What is essential is invisible to the eye, says the fox. »
*Spoiler (kind of) below*
In order to return to his planet and his rose, The Little Prince allows himself to be bitten by a poisonous snake: his planet is too far away, he cannot take his « shell ». The aviator, who has succeeded in repairing his plane, also quits the desert. He still hopes The Little Prince will return one day and asks us to write and tell him if ever we should meet his friend. (
I had a hard time deciding if I should fill out the kids book summary or an adult book summary, but ultimately I decided because of subject manner I decided it should go in the adult category.
Why I chose this book: It was on a list of 25 books everyone should read.
My personal opinion (the review): I thought this book was stupid. It tried to be a moral tale about how adults are too serious and focus on the wrong things, but for me it really missed the point. I only finished it because it was short and because I kept hoping it would get better. Maybe, as the book would suggest, I'm one of the grown ups who will never "understand how such a thing could be so important."
Warnings: None
Movie rating equivalent: PG
Protagonist description: The Little Prince comes from a different planet (an asteroid actually). He comes to earth on his journey of visiting different planets. As he visits these different planets he often says, "Grown-ups are so strange" because he doesn't understand why the characters are doing what they do. He mostly annoyed me as a character.
Point of view of story: Third Person
Book length: Short
Story flow: Fluid
Grammar and spelling issues: None, but it was easy to tell it was translated from French into English.
Character connection (no spoilers) None.
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