Brief synopsis (no spoilers): At the age of 13 all citizens of Quill are put into one of three categories: Wanted, Necessaries, and Unwanteds. Wanteds go to school and military training, Necessaries farm the land, and Unwanteds are sent to their death. As the book opens Alex has been declared an unwanted, while his twin Aaron has been selected as a Wanted. Alex's world is torn apart as he is separated from everything and everyone that he knows. However, just as he thinks his world is about to end, he is swept up into a whole new world beyond his comprehension.
Category: YA
Why I chose this book: Saw on a display at a bookstore
My personal opinion (the review): Overall I really enjoyed this book. In many ways it was somewhat of a breath of fresh air in the world of dystopian teen novels.It was interesting to me that the center of the conflict revolved around the concept of creativity. Alex was cast as unwanted because once when he was 9 he drew a house in the mud with a stick. However, that creative mind/ability is what helps him to thrive in Artime.
There were a few things that bothered me during the story-line and with the level of writing of the author. Chiefly what bothered me was that sometimes things/situations just happened. There was no build up or description, just bam - here it is. It was anti-climatic and somewhat confusing in a few parts. Also a few descriptions seemed to contradict each other. None of that was enough to keep me from wanting to read the next one though.
Language: None
Violence: Some, but non-graphic
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Some, also non-graphic
Movie rating equivalent: PG-8
Protagonist description: Alex is a creative, albeit sometimes moody, teenager. Being basically shunned all his life and told he isn't good enough definitely shines through in his actions. He is somewhat naive, but again it's a product of the world he has grown up in.
Point of view of story: Third
Book length: Shhhmedium
Story flow: Fluid
Grammar and spelling issues: Nothing that bothered me, but there were a few weird words: the teachers at the school were mixed breed animals - Platyputs, Otcogators, etc.; Quillitary (military + name of the city Quill).
Character connection (no spoilers): None really, except there was one line said about Lani that makes me wonder if we will find out something interesting about her later.
I wonder what will happen when Mr. Today is no longer able to keep Artime running?
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