Summary: The story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade
Review: This non-fiction that reads like a story is good. I was able to get the information without getting board. I think it's cool that the author included original source material like the advertisement that was placed in the New York Times and some pages from puppeteering manuals. Overall, worth a read.
Attention Span/reading level: Probably for readers 5+. I read it with my 3 year old, but I could tell it didn't really capture her attention. A few sentences to a paragraph on each page.
Good uses for book in teaching: History of Macy's Day parade and why it was started.
Favorite part:
Mine: The history
Child: The illustrations of the balloons.
Mine: The history
Child: The illustrations of the balloons.
Least favorite part: None.
Warnings/negative feedback?: None.
Review: This non-fiction that reads like a story is good. I was able to get the information without getting board. I think it's cool that the author included original source material like the advertisement that was placed in the New York Times and some pages from puppeteering manuals. Overall, worth a read.
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