Book name and author
Perfect Lies, by Kiersten White
Brief synopsis (no spoilers)
The story continues: one organization is trying to take over the world, exploiting the powers of gifted women. Another group is trying to thwart those plans, but is also using women with powers- possibly exploiting them as well. Which side is the "good guys"?
Why I chose this book
Second book in the series
My personal opinion (the review)
I like the whole "special powers" concept, so I really liked this book. Fia has perfect instincts, Annie is a Seer. Fia is the younger sister, but Annie is blind, so they each have to take care of each other in different situations.
Warnings (language, violence, "adult" situations, death, etc.)
Language: medium- nothing too strong, but frequency is a little higher than I like
Violence: fairly frequent, but not graphic
Adult situations: some emotionally charged situations, but no details given
Death: several, but not described in detail
Movie rating equivalent
PG-16 (not strong enough for R, but I wouldn't let a 13-year old read it)
Protagonist description
Fia was driven to protect Annie physically. Annie was driven to protect Fia emotionally.
Point of view of story
Flips between Annie and Fia, jumps in time as well. Pay close attention to the chapter headings.
Book length
Less than a week.
Story flow
I felt like I had to reorient myself with each chapter, but other than that, it gripping.
Grammar and spelling issues
Character connection (no spoilers)
Fia was, by far, my favorite character. She was in complete control in a fight. She was really damaged emotionally by the things she was forced to do. She could have been awesome in any number of professions, but unfortunately the life of crime chose her.
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a whole
Not amazing, but really good
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Mind Games. Perfect Lies is dependent on its back story
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