Book name and author
Gathering Blue, by Lois Lowry
Gathering Blue, by Lois Lowry
Brief synopsis (no spoilers)
A young teenaged girl with a deformed leg is left alone in the world. Her father was taken by beasts years ago, and her mother died days ago. She has no siblings. And extended family is not really a supported concept among the people of this time and place. It's set in the future. All but one building has been completely destroyed. The people are basically hunter-gatherers. They retain records of the past and hope for the future through an epic song. The name of the book comes from the lack of the color blue to use for dyeing threads for Kira to weave
A young teenaged girl with a deformed leg is left alone in the world. Her father was taken by beasts years ago, and her mother died days ago. She has no siblings. And extended family is not really a supported concept among the people of this time and place. It's set in the future. All but one building has been completely destroyed. The people are basically hunter-gatherers. They retain records of the past and hope for the future through an epic song. The name of the book comes from the lack of the color blue to use for dyeing threads for Kira to weave
Why I chose this book
Second book in the series
Second book in the series
My personal opinion (the review)
Kira can weave amazing patterns, without having been taught. Thomas can carve amazing pieces of art in wood, with no training. Jo has an incredible vocal range- as a toddler. They are all valued in society for their gifts, but there's also an element of "something's not quite right" in the situation.
Kira can weave amazing patterns, without having been taught. Thomas can carve amazing pieces of art in wood, with no training. Jo has an incredible vocal range- as a toddler. They are all valued in society for their gifts, but there's also an element of "something's not quite right" in the situation.
Language: none, really
Violence: some, none graphic
Adult situations: none
Death: deaths and disappearances are common, but not disturbing
Language: none, really
Violence: some, none graphic
Adult situations: none
Death: deaths and disappearances are common, but not disturbing
Movie rating equivalent
Protagonist description
Kira is defined in society by her deformity, but she is defined in character as compassionate, sharp, persistent, and a deep thinker
Kira is defined in society by her deformity, but she is defined in character as compassionate, sharp, persistent, and a deep thinker
Point of view of story
First person
First person
Book length
Less than a week.
Less than a week.
Story flow
Excellent- no parts dragged at all
Excellent- no parts dragged at all
Grammar and spelling issues
Character connection (no spoilers)
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a whole
Perplexing. I'm really not sure how or even if they'll tie together.
Perplexing. I'm really not sure how or even if they'll tie together.
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Gathering Blue, if mind games disturb you
Gathering Blue, if mind games disturb you
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