Brief synopsis (no spoilers): Ted loves playing escape the room games online, and he has a knack for figuring them out. When his great uncle dies and leaves Ted everything in his apartment it becomes a real life challenge for Ted.
Category: Middle School
Why I chose this book: Recommended for those who like The Westing Game
My personal opinion: The first few chapters were good, but about the time that he breaks into his Mom's work it all turns down hill. The concept was interesting, but I don't think it was done in the best way possible.
Language: The word hell is said once. Ted is makes fun of his Mom for never using curse words at least twice during the story and near the end she says, "You #$%# promised us" (direct quote). Also, near the end of the book, when one character gets angry the main character says, "His vocabulary seems to now to consist of entirely of words for body parts and bodily functions. - words my parents would ground me for a week for using."
Violence: kidnapping, a few punches, breaking and entering
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Uncle, off stage.
Movie rating equivalent: PG-13
Protagonist description: Typical pre-teen, loves spending time on the computer, thinks his parents don't know anything...
Point of view of story: First, Ted's point of few.
Book length: Short
Story flow: Fluid
Grammar and spelling issues: None
Character connection (no spoilers): I wish there had been more info on Isabel and her Dad. The author mentions several weird things about them that never get resolved.
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