Summary:Follow the rescue of orphaned polar bear Kali (pronounced Cully) from the Inupiat village of Kali (Point Lay in English) to the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage to his new home at the Buffalo Zoo in New York with Luna, a female polar bear. (Amazon)
Attention Span/reading level: I skipped a few details here or there, but was able to read most of it with my three year-old. It's probably meant for kids 5-10 years old.
Good uses for book in teaching: Animal habits, what happens to animals when they are rescued from the wild
Favorite part:
Child - The pictures
Child - The pictures
Mine - Learning about the process of changing an animal from one zoo to another and finding a new friend from Kali.
Least favorite part: Knowing that Kali's mother died.
Warnings/negative feedback: Opening page: "Don't bite me little one...Your Momma just died. Without her, you won't last long out here by yourself." That's blunt if I've ever heard it. I know it's true, but for a kids book I think it could have been worded differently.
Review: As a review I read on Amazon said, it's the pictures that sell this one. They have great snapshots beginning with the rescue and going all the way until Kali is placed in the Buffalo Zoo. The story is also informative without being overwhelming for kids.
Warnings/negative feedback: Opening page: "Don't bite me little one...Your Momma just died. Without her, you won't last long out here by yourself." That's blunt if I've ever heard it. I know it's true, but for a kids book I think it could have been worded differently.
Review: As a review I read on Amazon said, it's the pictures that sell this one. They have great snapshots beginning with the rescue and going all the way until Kali is placed in the Buffalo Zoo. The story is also informative without being overwhelming for kids.
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