Brief synopsis (no
spoilers): Keladry
of Mindalen is the first girl to take advantage of the decree that girls can
train to be Knights in the realm of Tortall. Alana the Lioness became a knight
10 years ago and Kel wants to follow in her footsteps. However, because the
training master, Lord Wyldon, doesn't believe girls should be knights, Kel is
put on a one year probation, something that no male has ever had imposed on
them. In addition, Keladry must deal with the usual hazing and
grueling schedule of training for knighthood.
Category: Juv/YA fic
Why I chose this book: Enjoyed other books by the same
My personal opinion: Kel is awesome. I loved going on the
journey with her through her probationary year. And I love her title, Protector
of the Small. It comes into play from the very beginning of her story.
Movie rating equivalent: PG
Language: None.
Violence: Kel gets into many fist fights
"Adult" situations: None
Death: None
Protagonist description: Keladry is a fiery spirit, even at
ten years old. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid of the work, the extra
work, it might take to get there. She doesn't let what anyone else thinks
define her feelings about herself and her reaction to what is going on around
Point of view of story: Kel's point of view
Book length: Short
Story flow: Fast moving
Grammar and spelling issues: A few weird names, but nothing that
interrupts the story flow.
Character connection (no spoilers): Neal
For series:
Independent or integral: Integral as first.
Series review as a whole: I enjoyed the series. Worth the
read. I will say the first and second are pretty mild, but the violence as well
as adult themes get stronger in the third and fourth books as Kel gets older
If you only have time for one, read: First Test, as first in the series.
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