Brief synopsis (no spoilers):
Harry continues his adventure by returning to Hogwarts as a 12 year-old Second Year student. A secret part of the school houses a killer beast, and it's controlled by an evil wizard known as the Heir of Slytherin. Harry, Ron, and Hermione feel a need to solve the mystery and stop the beast.
YA fiction
Why I chose this book:
I've read the series several times, but I've never reviewed them
My personal opinion:
The story is excellent, and the story telling is top notch- lots of humor, gripping plot, believable characters. I love the lessons it teaches of confidence, bravery, and good fighting against evil. This is the first book that I feel actively acts as a platform to set up for the major story line. It focuses a little less about what actually happens during the school year, and starts to bring in elements from outside the Hogwarts bubble.
Language: None
Violence: Fighting, but nothing graphic
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Past deaths referenced
Movie rating equivalent:
Protagonist description:
Harry feels at home at Hogwarts, and is distressed when his comfort zone is threatened
Point of view of story:
Third, focused on Harry
Book length:
Story flow:
Grammar and spelling issues:
Character connection (no spoilers):
Love all of them! This is probably my favorite series of all time.
For series:
Independent or integral:
Harry continues his adventure by returning to Hogwarts as a 12 year-old Second Year student. A secret part of the school houses a killer beast, and it's controlled by an evil wizard known as the Heir of Slytherin. Harry, Ron, and Hermione feel a need to solve the mystery and stop the beast.
YA fiction
Why I chose this book:
I've read the series several times, but I've never reviewed them
My personal opinion:
The story is excellent, and the story telling is top notch- lots of humor, gripping plot, believable characters. I love the lessons it teaches of confidence, bravery, and good fighting against evil. This is the first book that I feel actively acts as a platform to set up for the major story line. It focuses a little less about what actually happens during the school year, and starts to bring in elements from outside the Hogwarts bubble.
Language: None
Violence: Fighting, but nothing graphic
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Past deaths referenced
Movie rating equivalent:
Protagonist description:
Harry feels at home at Hogwarts, and is distressed when his comfort zone is threatened
Point of view of story:
Third, focused on Harry
Book length:
Story flow:
Grammar and spelling issues:
Character connection (no spoilers):
Love all of them! This is probably my favorite series of all time.
For series:
Independent or integral:
Series review as a whole:
Outstanding. Aspects from the very first book carry through to the end, and become significant.
If you only have time for one, read:
Series review as a whole:
Outstanding. Aspects from the very first book carry through to the end, and become significant.
If you only have time for one, read:
Start at the beginning- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
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