Brief synopsis (no spoilers):
An explosion on the moon causes massive power outages and chaos on Earth. Scientists interpreted a signal from the explosion site, and believe some entity wants humans to investigate the site in person. Only the United States and China have funding and space exploration programs advanced enough to make it. The US is back in the space race!
Why I chose this book:
Why I chose this book:
Previous purchase
My personal opinion:
I enjoyed the story line, and found the plot credible. It leaned more toward the evolution talking points than I prefer, but it's fiction- don't take it too seriously. The romance was quite clean. Only one scene of minor characters had bad language, so I found it easy to ignore. They were more like "extras" than characters, really. My only real complaint is that the main characters were too lucky. Things almost magically worked out in their favor too many times. Yes, there was tragedy when it was necessary. But really, coincidence got them out of more trouble than anything.
Language: Yes, 2 f-words
Violence: Some, but not graphic
"Adult" situations: One romance, only vaguely referenced
Death: Yes, and of major character(s)
Movie rating equivalent:
Language: Yes, 2 f-words
Violence: Some, but not graphic
"Adult" situations: One romance, only vaguely referenced
Death: Yes, and of major character(s)
Movie rating equivalent:
R, for language. Well, they might squeeze by with PG-13, but not in my rating system.
Protagonist description:
Protagonist description:
Donovan is featured the most, but he isn't the only key character. The team is very good at what they do best, and they have a fair amount of good luck.
Point of view of story:
Point of view of story:
Third omniscient, mostly focused on Donovan
Book length:
Book length:
Story flow:
Story flow:
Excellent, gripping
Grammar and spelling issues:
None that I recall
Character connection (no spoilers):
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