Yes, THAT Veronica Roth (Divergent Series) Brief synopsis (no spoilers): Two nations inhabit one planet, but they're constantly at war, and constantly creating their own version of history to put themselves in the best light. Only one nation is recognized by the rest of the galaxy as owning the planet. The other nation is treated like squatters of the planet. Ryzek and Cyra are siblings in the Noavek family, of the Shotet (squatters). There was a prediction that their family will fall to the Benesit family, of the Thuvhe. Akos and Eijeh Kereseth are Thuvhe, but have their own prediction that they will spend their days serving the Noavek family. The story happens in between all these predictions of fate. Category : YA, Sci-Fi Why I chose this book : Because it's by Veronica Roth! My personal opinion : This book was excellent! No bad language, no sexuality, the fighting wasn't gory or bloody, and the story line was captivating. I plan to buy the next book as soon as it comes...