Brief synopsis (no spoilers)
Jared and Evelyn are very much in love, and very much the heirs of their respective magical ancestors. Morgana is still very evil, and continues to recruit evil people to follow her.
CategoryIntended for YA, I imagine
Why I chose this bookNext in series
My personal opinion (the review)
I should have stopped with the first book. But it ended in a cliffhanger, so I felt the need to continue. What a disappointment. The language and sexual situations were completely unnecessary.
WarningsLanguage: yes
Violence: yes
"Adult" situations: yes
Death: yes
Movie rating equivalentR for language and adult situations
Protagonist descriptionEvelyn is weak and helpless, until she receives the magic of Nimue
Point of view of storyFirst, focused on Evelyn
Book lengthMedium-long
Story flowGreat
Grammar and spelling issuesNone
Character connection (no spoilers)
For series:Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a wholeCould have been so much better
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Jared and Evelyn are very much in love, and very much the heirs of their respective magical ancestors. Morgana is still very evil, and continues to recruit evil people to follow her.
CategoryIntended for YA, I imagine
Why I chose this bookNext in series
My personal opinion (the review)
I should have stopped with the first book. But it ended in a cliffhanger, so I felt the need to continue. What a disappointment. The language and sexual situations were completely unnecessary.
WarningsLanguage: yes
Violence: yes
"Adult" situations: yes
Death: yes
Movie rating equivalentR for language and adult situations
Protagonist descriptionEvelyn is weak and helpless, until she receives the magic of Nimue
Point of view of storyFirst, focused on Evelyn
Book lengthMedium-long
Story flowGreat
Grammar and spelling issuesNone
Character connection (no spoilers)
For series:Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a wholeCould have been so much better
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Skip it. Pick a different series. This series had real potential: magic, true love, a whole separate world, unbelievably bad antagonist. And it started out really great- YA-worthy. But the f-bombs and the sexuality... What a waste.
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