Brief synopsis (no spoilers)
Vin and Elend work together as Mistborn to protect the entire empire, despite attacks on its people from nature itself. Spook, Sazed, and Breeze work to secure another kingdom into the empire. Ham and Cett work to add another kingdom as well. The Mists continue to attack people. Penrod holds Luthadel while the emperor is away. The parts that the koloss and the kandra will play have not been fully revealed.
Fantasy, Fiction
Why I chose this book
Next in series
My personal opinion (the review)
Excellent ending. All loose ends are tied up very nicely. The last handful of chapters move a bit faster than I would have liked, tying up some of those ends a little abruptly. But at the same time, it felt like a relief to have resolution.
Language: Mild and rare
Violence: Plentiful, some of it fairly graphic
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Yes, and of major character(s)
Movie rating equivalent
PG-13, for violence
Protagonist description
Vin and Elend live up to the enormous expectations placed on them
Point of view of story
Rotates between many characters, always third. Except for the narration at each chapter heading, which is first person, but an unknown identity.
Book length
Story flow
Grammar and spelling issues
Just a couple, very minor
Character connection (no spoilers)
None left
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a whole
Phenomenal- definitely my favorite of the year. It has a deep history, magic, well-developed characters, and a thrilling pace.
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Start at the beginning: Mistborn
Vin and Elend work together as Mistborn to protect the entire empire, despite attacks on its people from nature itself. Spook, Sazed, and Breeze work to secure another kingdom into the empire. Ham and Cett work to add another kingdom as well. The Mists continue to attack people. Penrod holds Luthadel while the emperor is away. The parts that the koloss and the kandra will play have not been fully revealed.
Fantasy, Fiction
Why I chose this book
Next in series
My personal opinion (the review)
Excellent ending. All loose ends are tied up very nicely. The last handful of chapters move a bit faster than I would have liked, tying up some of those ends a little abruptly. But at the same time, it felt like a relief to have resolution.
Language: Mild and rare
Violence: Plentiful, some of it fairly graphic
"Adult" situations: None
Death: Yes, and of major character(s)
Movie rating equivalent
PG-13, for violence
Protagonist description
Vin and Elend live up to the enormous expectations placed on them
Point of view of story
Rotates between many characters, always third. Except for the narration at each chapter heading, which is first person, but an unknown identity.
Book length
Story flow
Grammar and spelling issues
Just a couple, very minor
Character connection (no spoilers)
None left
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Series review as a whole
Phenomenal- definitely my favorite of the year. It has a deep history, magic, well-developed characters, and a thrilling pace.
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
Start at the beginning: Mistborn
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