Brief synopsis (no spoilers) : 20 years after the original Selection series, Queen America and Prince Maxon's oldest daughter is old enough to start looking for a companion. In a desperate need to find something to hold the country together they suggest that Eadlyn hold her own Selection. Eadlyn doesn't want to but agrees in order to help buy her parents some time. Category: YA Why I chose this book : Next in the series My personal opinion (the review): This is possibly the most infuriating book I have ever read. First of all, Eadlyn is arrogant. I couldn't stand her attitude. She really feels herself above most everyone else, but gets offended when anyone points it out to her, or when they say or do anything that doesn't suit her. Second, the whole book felt rushed. Whereas the first three books of The Selection had multiple books to explain the process, this situation was given one book. And it was annoying how Eadlyn never let her guard down to get to know her ...