Brief synopsis (no spoilers)
Mia woke up and recovered from the car accident, and moved right into the life she wanted with her cello. But Adam was not part of that plan. He becomes a rock star, but isn't happy with that life.
Why I chose this book
Next in series
My personal opinion (the review)
This was a good sequel, and really ties up a bunch of loose ends. But I cannot recommend it, because of the language. Adam's a hard core rock star, so the language is probably true to life. But I don't like it. Excellent story; potty mouth.
Language: several "F words", other lesser words
Violence: none
"Adult" situations: one event, but no detail, just "cut to the next morning"
Death: none
Movie rating equivalent
R, for language and adult scenes
Protagonist description
Adam is brooding and angry for much of the story
Point of view of story
First, from perspective of Adam
Book length
Story flow
Grammar and spelling issues
Character connection (no spoilers)
Not really
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Integral. Much is explained, but there's too much back story
Series review as a whole
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
If I Stay, only (stop there)
Mia woke up and recovered from the car accident, and moved right into the life she wanted with her cello. But Adam was not part of that plan. He becomes a rock star, but isn't happy with that life.
Why I chose this book
Next in series
My personal opinion (the review)
This was a good sequel, and really ties up a bunch of loose ends. But I cannot recommend it, because of the language. Adam's a hard core rock star, so the language is probably true to life. But I don't like it. Excellent story; potty mouth.
Language: several "F words", other lesser words
Violence: none
"Adult" situations: one event, but no detail, just "cut to the next morning"
Death: none
Movie rating equivalent
R, for language and adult scenes
Protagonist description
Adam is brooding and angry for much of the story
Point of view of story
First, from perspective of Adam
Book length
Story flow
Grammar and spelling issues
Character connection (no spoilers)
Not really
For series:
Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent)
Integral. Much is explained, but there's too much back story
Series review as a whole
If you only have time for one, read: (which one)
If I Stay, only (stop there)
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