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Showing posts from March, 2019

House of Blades by Will Wight

Brief synopsis (no spoilers): Underlord Malachi steps into a village to collect 9 people for a human sacrifice. It turns out that village was not okay with that plan, and a few very powerful members decided to fight back. Category : Fantasy, fiction Why I chose this book : I really enjoyed the Cradle series by the same author My personal opinion : The story is fun, and I enjoyed it. I will probably buy the whole series. But it is unlikely to become one of my top favorites, like the Cradle series. But the book is clean, it's interesting, and it's a well-told story. Warnings Language: none Violence: frequent "Adult" situations: none Death: yes, including central character(s) Movie rating equivalent : PG-13 Protagonist description : Simon is just a regular guy that wants to protect his village, so he sets out on an adventure to gain power Point of view of story : Third, focused mostly on Simon Book length : Medium Story flow : A little jumpy, but not bad Grammar and s...

Underlord by Will Wight

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) The Heart Sage from the Akura clan has invited the Blackflame Empire to participate in a great competition. But first, they have to compete against another kingdom- and that kingdom's best candidates are already Underlords. Lindon and Yerin have some catching up to do. Category Fantasy, maybe Sci-Fi Why I chose this book Next in series My personal opinion (the review) Excellent book. My only complaint was that it went too quickly. I couldn't put it down and finished it quickly, so I read it a second time. This series is definitely at the top of my list. This particular entry in the series did not disappoint! Warnings Language: None Violence: Frequent fighting "Adult" situations: None Death: Yes, including major character(s) Movie rating equivalent PG-13 Protagonist description Lindon and Yerin are finally equals Point of view of story Third person, mostly focused on Lindon Book length Medium Story flow Excellent Grammar and spelling issue...