Brief synopsis (no spoilers): Chronicles the adventures of Arram Draper, a young and powerful mage, during his time at Carthak University learning to harness and expand his "gift" (magical abilities). Here he meets friends Orzone and Varice who take him under their wings. Category: YA Why I chose this book: Read and enjoyed other books by the same author My personal opinion: I have not enjoyed a book this much in quite a while. I haven't had much time for reading lately, but when I have I've been disappointed and had trouble staying engaged with the books. Though the book felt like it took a long time to read I never got bored. I enjoy books that include those with magical powers and their journey of learning to use those powers. Warnings - I felt like the author did a good job of not over dramatizing things in the warnings section - yes violence, adult situations, and death do occur but she didn't over describe or dramatize them. All was done in a "...