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Showing posts from December, 2016

The King's Traitor by Jeff Wheeler

Brief synopsis  (no spoilers) Owen is the king's most trusted duke, and in charge of his personal security forces, the Espion. The king commands him to go to a neighboring kingdom and bully the duchess into marrying him. If she refuses, it will lead to a war with her kingdom and with the kingdom beyond hers. But Owen finds more than he expected in that land, and his path leads back to his own kingdom, and to overthrowing his corrupt king. Category YA fiction, Fantasy Why I chose this book Next in series My personal opinion  (the review) This story was excellent. I enjoyed the suspense. I'm a sucker for stories with magic, and this one did not disappoint. I highly recommend this book, and the entire series. Warnings Language: None Violence: Some, but not graphic "Adult" situations: None Death: Yes, and of major character(s) Movie rating equivalent PG Protagonist description Owen has left his shyness behind, and is much more confident. But he has traded that for grumpin...

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) Just about everyone is dead. The first 4 "waves" of destruction, from the alien "mothership" hanging in low Earth orbit, were devastating. Roughly 98% of humanity was wiped out. Those that are left are either the incredibly strong, or the incredibly lucky. Probably both. Category YA, Dystopian Why I chose this book I sometimes like movie-book combinations My personal opinion (the review) It was decent, but I definitely won't buy it. The story was good, the characters were well-developed, and I got lost in the book several times (good thing). But the language was bad and the violence was pretty hairy, so I don't recommend it. Warnings Language: A few scattered f-bombs, and occasional other bad words Violence: Abundant, and intense "Adult" situations: Got close a couple times, but nothing graphic Death: about 7 billion Movie rating equivalent R, for language Protagonist description Cassie is a survivor- she'll do wh...