Brief synopsis (no spoilers) Ethan Burke is a Secret Service Agent, wandering around Wayward Pines, Idaho, trying to find 2 missing Special Agents. A fourth Special Agent, assigned with Burke, was killed before the story even started. The town is idyllic, but there's something "off" about it. Same with Burke- he seems like a genuine "nice guy", but there's something a bit "off" about him, too. Category Mystery Why I chose this book Kindle First My personal opinion (the review) The first 29% of the book only had 1 or two bad words, but at 30% there was a huge rash of them, and I was done. The book seemed really interesting- the plot was crazy confusing, so I was looking forward to pieces and parts coming together later in the book. The vulgarity was just plain unnecessary. Could have been a great novel, but you had to ruin it, Crouch. Warnings Language: Not frequent, but harsh Violence: None (up to 30%) "Adult" situations: Non...