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Showing posts from May, 2016

Dot by Patricia Intruago

Summary: All different kinds of dots Attention Span/reading level: 6 and under Good uses for book in teaching: Visual concepts (empty vs full, heavy vs light, color cues) Favorite part: (Mine and/or Child) Hungry dot, light dot, and dots in the sky.  Least favorite part?  W arnings/negative feedback?: None.  Review: Not what I was expecting, but I'm glad I picked it up. Each page presents a comparison of dots (stop dot, go dot/here dot, there dot/hungry dot, full dot). It was cute and I had a good time discussing the visual clues with my four year old (How can you tell this one is quiet, or hungry, or a stop dot). 

A Big Surprise for Little Card by Charise Mericle Harper

Summary: Each type of card eagerly awaits their letter for their official grown up jobs. Little Card is so excited  when his letter finally arrives, but after his training he finds out he received the wrong letter.  Attention Span/reading level: Ages 3-8 Good uses for book in teaching: Mostly just for fun, but could teach making the best of a situation.  Favorite part: Child - the musical parts. Mine: when Little Card finds out his real job, the rainbow of books, and everyday is library day.  Least favorite part?  W arnings/negative feedback?: None.  Review: This book is super cute. The illustrations are lively and the plot is upbeat and quick moving. And it has to do with libraries and books, so a win win in my book. 

The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) Kelsier is gone, but Vin and the rest of his crew have continued to change the world. Elend is king and has set up a form of government that is more in the hands of the people. His father and other kings won't let that kingdom stand for long. And even bigger than that is the relationship between the Mists, Vin, and the defeated Lord Ruler. Vin has more to do in this new kingdom than just being a Mistborn. Category Fantasy, Fiction Why I chose this book Next in series My personal opinion (the review) This book is excellent! There are a handful of new characters to learn, but not so many as to be overwhelming. It's clean, well-written, and very interesting. Zane is very disturbed and hears voices, so if that bothers you, find a summary of this book and move to the next in the series. I own the whole series, and it's worth every penny. Warnings Language: Mild and rare Violence: Plentiful, some of it fairly graphic "Adult"...

Enemy by K. Eason

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) Category Fiction, Fantasy Why I chose this book Kindle First My personal opinion (the review) I gave up about halfway through the first chapter Warnings Language: Several "f-words" Violence: Unknown "Adult" situations: Unknown Death: Unknown Movie rating equivalent R Protagonist description Snow has some kind of magical connection to some of the creatures with her, but I didn't get far enough to understand it Point of view of story Third, focused on Snow Book length Unknown Story flow Decent Grammar and spelling issues None that I saw Character connection (no spoilers) None For series : Independent or integral (stand-alone or back story dependent) Unknown Series review as a whole I do not recommend it, for language alone If you only have time for one, read : (which one) Pick a different series

Golden Age by James Maxwell

Brief synopsis (no spoilers) Two small neighboring nations are quite different. Once is a monarchy, the other a republic; one has a strong army, the other a strong navy; but they trade and coexist in peace. Then a massive quake causes damage to both cities, as well as a ship from a foreign land. The captain of the foreign vessel will take news of the discovered lands back to his ruthless king, and the peace of the two nations will be gone forever. Add to the mix a race of shape-shifting people, a golden arc, and an oracle of the Gods. Category Fiction, fantasy Why I chose this book Kindle First My personal opinion (the review) This was excellent! I definitely plan to purchase the rest of the books in the series. The story line is engaging, the language and content are clean, and  Warnings Language: Minor Violence: Occasional, and some of it mildly graphic "Adult" situations: None Death: Yes, and of major characters Movie rating equivalent PG-13 Protago...